Selasa, 24 November 2009
Maluku Provincial Police evacuate 17 residents of Iran to the city of Ambon, on Wednesday (24 / 6). They were taken from the City of Dobo, Aru Islands. The illegal immigrants were admitted running away from their country that is not safe. When trying to come to Australia, their boat bad weather prevented a stop at the Aru Islands. On arrival at the port Yos Sudarso, Ambon, dozens of Iranian citizens directly recorded local immigration. The officer also checked the health of every citizen, including a woman who helped run the territory of Indonesia. Now, the people are in quarantine in the area of illegal aliens Passo. They will be deported to their home countries.
Foto Model Tewas di Apartemen Mediterania
Seorang foto model ibukota, Setianti Dwi Retno, ditemukan tewas di Apartemen Mediterania II, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta Barat, Rabu (11/11), dengan luka di bagian kepala. Diduga, sang foto model dibunuh.
Pertama kali, jasad korban ditemukan oleh pembantu rumah tangganya. Saat itu, apartemen dikunci dari luar. Dan, panggilan dari pembantu juga tidak dijawab. Ternyata, korban tergeletak di dalam kamar mandi lantai 25 dan tidak lagi bernyawa.
Menurut polisi, korban tewas akibat pukulan benda tumpul pada bagian belakang kepala korban. Diduga, pembunuhan dilakukan oleh teman dekat korban.
Polisi masih menghimpun keterangan tujuh orang saksi. Untuk keperluan otopsi, jenasah korban dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta Pusat. Kasus ini ditangani oleh aparat Kepolisian Sektor Metro Tanjung Duren, Jakarta Barat.
Pertama kali, jasad korban ditemukan oleh pembantu rumah tangganya. Saat itu, apartemen dikunci dari luar. Dan, panggilan dari pembantu juga tidak dijawab. Ternyata, korban tergeletak di dalam kamar mandi lantai 25 dan tidak lagi bernyawa.
Menurut polisi, korban tewas akibat pukulan benda tumpul pada bagian belakang kepala korban. Diduga, pembunuhan dilakukan oleh teman dekat korban.
Polisi masih menghimpun keterangan tujuh orang saksi. Untuk keperluan otopsi, jenasah korban dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta Pusat. Kasus ini ditangani oleh aparat Kepolisian Sektor Metro Tanjung Duren, Jakarta Barat.
Kucing di Iowa Terserang Flu Babi
Kucing di Iowa Terserang Flu Babi, Iowa: Departemen Pertanian Amerika Serikat dan Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine di Ames, Iowa, AS, mengonfirmasi bahwa seekor kucing telah tertular virus H1N1 atau flu babi. Sebelumnya, pemilik kucing yang berusia 13 tahun mengalami gejala flu. Demikian diwartakan USA Today, Rabu (4/11).
Juru bicara Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Tom Skinner mengatakan, kemungkinan ini merupakan kasus flu babi pertama yang melibatkan kucing atau anjing. Gejala-gejala yang terlihat pada kucing itu di antaranya lesu, sulit bernapas, dan hilang nafsu makan.
Menurut Skinner, meskipun influenza diketahui bisa menular antarspesies, ternyata sebelumnya baru menyerang burung dan musang. Bahkan, sudah banyak dokter hewan yang mengatakan kepada kliennya, sangat kecil kemungkinan terjadi penularan dari manusia ke kucing dan anjing atau pun sebaliknya. Namun, kasus kali ini merubah anggapan itu.
Untuk melindungi binatang peliharaan Anda, para ahli menyarankan untuk melakukan tindakan yang sama seperti pencegahan penyebaran flu antarmanusia. Di antaranya dengan mendapatkan vaksin, mengenakan masker, menjaga jarak, dan selalu mencuci tangan.(IRN/SHA)
Kucing di Iowa Terserang Flu Babi, Iowa: Departemen Pertanian Amerika Serikat dan Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine di Ames, Iowa, AS, mengonfirmasi bahwa seekor kucing telah tertular virus H1N1 atau flu babi. Sebelumnya, pemilik kucing yang berusia 13 tahun mengalami gejala flu. Demikian diwartakan USA Today, Rabu (4/11).
Juru bicara Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Tom Skinner mengatakan, kemungkinan ini merupakan kasus flu babi pertama yang melibatkan kucing atau anjing. Gejala-gejala yang terlihat pada kucing itu di antaranya lesu, sulit bernapas, dan hilang nafsu makan.
Menurut Skinner, meskipun influenza diketahui bisa menular antarspesies, ternyata sebelumnya baru menyerang burung dan musang. Bahkan, sudah banyak dokter hewan yang mengatakan kepada kliennya, sangat kecil kemungkinan terjadi penularan dari manusia ke kucing dan anjing atau pun sebaliknya. Namun, kasus kali ini merubah anggapan itu.
Untuk melindungi binatang peliharaan Anda, para ahli menyarankan untuk melakukan tindakan yang sama seperti pencegahan penyebaran flu antarmanusia. Di antaranya dengan mendapatkan vaksin, mengenakan masker, menjaga jarak, dan selalu mencuci tangan.(IRN/SHA)
A. familiar ms visual basic 6.0
A. familiar ms visual basic 6.0
Ms-Visual Basic 6.0 is a programming language that works within the scope of
Ms-Windows. Ms-visual Basic 6.0 can take advantage of the ability Ms-Windows in
an optimal.
a. begin ms visual basic 6.0 program
Ms Visual basic 6.0 to start doing the following steps in:
1. Click icon to start the operating system ms windows.
2. Navigate to Programs, moving with the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, and then
select the Visual Basic 6.0.
3. Select the icon VB Control Enterprise Edition or Professional Edition VB
4. Select File and then New Project.
b. basic view ms visual basic 6.0
For the early stage using MS-Visual Basic 6.0 must be regulated in order to
look similar to or equal to the toolbar display components, equipment,
projects, properties and form layout. If one of these components do not
appear on the screen, you can take by selecting the View menu and click the
component that will be displayed.
c. general steps to make an application program
This first programmed will be not reviewed in detail because the intended to
help understand at a glance the capacity and the means to create applications
with MS-Visual Basic 6.0. General to create application programs steps are as
1. Fig components and layout window form using devices in the Toolbox window
2. Find the property for each component by using the Properties window.
3. Write the source code of the event (something that felt objects, such a
point, click, or other events) associated with each component.
d. store application programs
To create the first example of an application program, follow these steps:
1. Double-click on the form to the project window appears a Form1, which
moved by double-clicking Form1 in writing, so that they appear on the
display screen Form1.
2. Command button icon weaving.
3. Click and hold, and drag, or drag in a window with a diagonal direction to
form an object or command1 button.
4. In the Properties window, fill the title with words earlier.
5. Create three text boxes. This time using a different way, the only
double-click on the icon three times a Textbox.
6. Empty the contents of the text in three text boxes to delete the contents
of text fields in the Properties window.
7. Create a timer by double clicking the timer object is located Timer.
Object be everywhere, because at the time of the request, the object will
be step display on the screen.
8. Double click the Command1 button or click the Start button that appears
editor and add the contents of the program source code.
9. Click objects list box and select Timer. Will appear insert the code for
the event countdown. Write the code of its programmed.
10. At this point, which makes the application program is complete. Close the
program code editor window by clicking the close button or the form of a
cross on the top right-hand corner of the program editor code window. to
store application programs application programs trying to run, preferably
in the reserve. How to save is to click on the icon in the form of a
floppy disk. Files stored composed of two parts, namely the form and
project files. Give the name of both the Cont01 name.
Ms-Visual Basic 6.0 is a programming language that works within the scope of
Ms-Windows. Ms-visual Basic 6.0 can take advantage of the ability Ms-Windows in
an optimal.
a. begin ms visual basic 6.0 program
Ms Visual basic 6.0 to start doing the following steps in:
1. Click icon to start the operating system ms windows.
2. Navigate to Programs, moving with the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, and then
select the Visual Basic 6.0.
3. Select the icon VB Control Enterprise Edition or Professional Edition VB
4. Select File and then New Project.
b. basic view ms visual basic 6.0
For the early stage using MS-Visual Basic 6.0 must be regulated in order to
look similar to or equal to the toolbar display components, equipment,
projects, properties and form layout. If one of these components do not
appear on the screen, you can take by selecting the View menu and click the
component that will be displayed.
c. general steps to make an application program
This first programmed will be not reviewed in detail because the intended to
help understand at a glance the capacity and the means to create applications
with MS-Visual Basic 6.0. General to create application programs steps are as
1. Fig components and layout window form using devices in the Toolbox window
2. Find the property for each component by using the Properties window.
3. Write the source code of the event (something that felt objects, such a
point, click, or other events) associated with each component.
d. store application programs
To create the first example of an application program, follow these steps:
1. Double-click on the form to the project window appears a Form1, which
moved by double-clicking Form1 in writing, so that they appear on the
display screen Form1.
2. Command button icon weaving.
3. Click and hold, and drag, or drag in a window with a diagonal direction to
form an object or command1 button.
4. In the Properties window, fill the title with words earlier.
5. Create three text boxes. This time using a different way, the only
double-click on the icon three times a Textbox.
6. Empty the contents of the text in three text boxes to delete the contents
of text fields in the Properties window.
7. Create a timer by double clicking the timer object is located Timer.
Object be everywhere, because at the time of the request, the object will
be step display on the screen.
8. Double click the Command1 button or click the Start button that appears
editor and add the contents of the program source code.
9. Click objects list box and select Timer. Will appear insert the code for
the event countdown. Write the code of its programmed.
10. At this point, which makes the application program is complete. Close the
program code editor window by clicking the close button or the form of a
cross on the top right-hand corner of the program editor code window. to
store application programs application programs trying to run, preferably
in the reserve. How to save is to click on the icon in the form of a
floppy disk. Files stored composed of two parts, namely the form and
project files. Give the name of both the Cont01 name.
Sebagian wilayah DKI Jakarta, Rabu (25/11), akan diguyur hujan berintensitas ringan pada siang hingga malam hari, yang berpotensi
mengakibatkan genangan dan kepadatan arus lalu lintas di sejumlah ruas jalan.
Berdasarkan data dari Badan Metereologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) di Jakarta, seperti dikutip ANTARA, semua wilayah ibukota pada pagi hari ini dalam kondisi berawan. Pada siang hari, hujan diprediksi akan menerpa Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta Timur, dan Jakarta Barat. Sedangkan Jakarta Pusat dan Jakarta Utara diperkirakan berawan. Sementara itu, pada malam hari, hujan diperkirakan akan mengguyur hanya wilayah Jakarta Selatan. Sedangkan empat wilayah lain diprediksi akan berawan.
Di empat daerah penyangga ibukota, yaitu Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, dan Depok, keadaan cuaca juga berbeda satu sama lain. Bogor diperkirakan akan berawan pada pagi hari, hujan berintensitas sedang pada siang hari, dan hujan ringan pada malam hari.
Sedangkan Tangerang dan Depok diprediksi berawan pada pagi hari, hujan ringan pada siang hari, dan malamnya akan kembali berawan. Sementara itu, Bekasi diperkirakan akan dalam kondisi berawan baik pada pagi, siang, maupun malam hari nanti.
BMKG juga mengeluarkan peringatan yaitu agar warga masyarakat mewaspadai terhadap potensi hujan ringan-sedang yang disertai kilat/petir dan angin kencang berdurasi singkat terutama di wilayah Depok dan Bogor, Jawa Barat.Hujan yang disertai angin kencang itu kerap menimbulkan jatuhnya pohon tumbang yang bisa mengakibatkan kemacetan lalu lintas hingga timbulnya korban luka-luka.(YUS)
mengakibatkan genangan dan kepadatan arus lalu lintas di sejumlah ruas jalan.
Berdasarkan data dari Badan Metereologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) di Jakarta, seperti dikutip ANTARA, semua wilayah ibukota pada pagi hari ini dalam kondisi berawan. Pada siang hari, hujan diprediksi akan menerpa Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta Timur, dan Jakarta Barat. Sedangkan Jakarta Pusat dan Jakarta Utara diperkirakan berawan. Sementara itu, pada malam hari, hujan diperkirakan akan mengguyur hanya wilayah Jakarta Selatan. Sedangkan empat wilayah lain diprediksi akan berawan.
Di empat daerah penyangga ibukota, yaitu Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, dan Depok, keadaan cuaca juga berbeda satu sama lain. Bogor diperkirakan akan berawan pada pagi hari, hujan berintensitas sedang pada siang hari, dan hujan ringan pada malam hari.
Sedangkan Tangerang dan Depok diprediksi berawan pada pagi hari, hujan ringan pada siang hari, dan malamnya akan kembali berawan. Sementara itu, Bekasi diperkirakan akan dalam kondisi berawan baik pada pagi, siang, maupun malam hari nanti.
BMKG juga mengeluarkan peringatan yaitu agar warga masyarakat mewaspadai terhadap potensi hujan ringan-sedang yang disertai kilat/petir dan angin kencang berdurasi singkat terutama di wilayah Depok dan Bogor, Jawa Barat.Hujan yang disertai angin kencang itu kerap menimbulkan jatuhnya pohon tumbang yang bisa mengakibatkan kemacetan lalu lintas hingga timbulnya korban luka-luka.(YUS)
Tips of your body care tips
Egg white as a facial mask
for refreshing dull skin beat the egg white until foamy and spread it all over your face let stand for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water until clean. Protein contained in egg white will recover and restore skin moisture
Toothpaste for acne
Your face pimples acne medication but ran out of?
do not worry, you can apply toothpaste to your pimples and let sit for a 15 minutes. Toothpaste will absorb the oil content contained in your acne. Make sure not to mute the toothpaste on your pimples for too long because it can close the pores if the pore is too long. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
Talc powder for the skin hair
Sprinkle a little talc powder by using a large makeup brush up your hair skin. This way you can remove the oil levels. for a while in the hair without shampoo
Vaseline for dry skin feet
Apply gel to the skin Vaseline your feet dry, rough and flaking. you better put it at night before bed. Do not forget to wear socks after applying Vaseline to the soles of your feet that need treatment
Remove the hair with a perfume smell
Hair is often exposed to direct sunlight will be a smell before going out in the morning. spray perfume to comb your hair evenly and comb your hair will be guaranteed fragrance throughout the day
Hair conditioner for hair legs
If you run out of shaving cream or shaving cream for the feet for a while you can use a conditioner as a substitute. Shave her legs with cream leather conditioner makes your legs smoother.
Shiny hair with vinegar
Mix three to five tablespoons of vinegar with a bottle of soda water. And flush it into your dry hair let sit for fifteen minutes before shampooing
Sabtu, 21 November 2009
Brief explanation SQL structured query language (SQL) in MySQL
Here will be brief in order to explain the basic commands SQL which is often in use on the following MySQL:
1. CREATE DATABASE : create a new database
CREATE DATABASE database_name
2. DROP DATABASE: delete database
DROP DATABASE database_name
3. CREATE TABLE: create a new table
CREATE TABLE table_name (create_definition,..)
Where create_definition shaped like:
Column_name type [DEFAULT default_value]
[NOT NULL | NULL] [PRIMARY KEY] [reference_definition] Or PRIMARY KEY (index_column_name,..)
Or KEY [key_name] KEY [index_column_name,…)
Or Index [index_name] (index_column_name,..)
Or UNIQUE [index_name] (index_column_name, …)
Or FOREIGN KEY index_name (index_column_name, …)
Or CHECK (expr)
Index_column_name shaped like:
Column_name [(length)]
REFERENCES table_name [(index_column_name,..)]
[ON DELETE reference_option]
[ON UPDATE reference_option]
Reference_option shaped like:
Or Index [index_name] (index_column_name,..)
Or UNIQUE [index_name] (index_column_name, …)
Or FOREIGN KEY index_name (index_column_name, …)
Or CHECK (expr)
Index_column_name shaped like:
Column_name [(length)]
REFERENCES table_name [(index_column_name,..)]
[ON DELETE reference_option]
[ON UPDATE reference_option]
Reference_option shaped like:
4. DESC TABLE: table or column description
DESCRIBE |DESC) table [column]
5. ALTER TABLE: modify tables
Alter_spesification [,alter_spesification…]
Alter_specification shaped like:
ADD [COLUMN] create_definition
Or CHANGE [COLUMN] old_column_name
Or ALTER [column] column_name {SET default |DROP DEFAULT}
Or DROP [COLUMN] column_name
Or DROP INDEX key_name
Or DROP INDEX key_name
6. DROP TABLE: delete table
DROP TABLE table_name [table_name …]
7. DELETE: remove from the table record
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE where_definition where where_definition shaped like:
Or where_expr [AND|OR] where_expr
Where_expr is as follows:
Column_name [>|>=|<>|<=|<] column_name
Or constant
Or column_name LIKE column_name or constant
Or column_name IS NULL
Or column_name IS NOT NULL
Or (where definition)
8. GRANT: provide access to users privilege to the table, also can be used to make new user
9. LOCK TABLES: closed user access to the table
LOCK TABLES table_name [AS alias] READ|WRITE [, table_name READ|WRITE]
10. UNLOCK TABLES: open access to the table before him in the key
11. INSERT INTO: enter data into a table
INSERT INTO table [(column_name, …)] VALUES expression, …)
Or INSERT INTO table [(column_name, …)] SELECT …
12. LOAD DATA INFILE: command to read data from text files
13. SELECT: statement used to select the query to the database
Select_expression, …[INTO OUTFILE ‘file_name’ …]
[FROM tables …]
[WHERE where_definition]
[GROUP BY column, …] [ ORDER BY column [ASC|DESC],
HAVING where_definition [LIMIT [offset,] rows]
[PROCEDURE procedure_name]]
[INTO OUTFILE ‘file_name’ …]
14. UPDATE: to update the table field-field
UPDATE table SET column = expression, … WHERE
Simple example use the command line mysql utility on the client
mysql> show databases;
mysql> create database dataakademik;
mysql> create database testing;
mysql> show databases;
mysql> drop database testing;
mysql> show databases;
mysql> use dataakademik;
mysql> create table mahasiswa (
-> nim int (3) primary key,
-> nama varchar (30),
-> alamat vachar (12),
-> telepon varchar (12));
mysql> show tables;
mysql> desc mahasiswa;
mysql> alter table mahasiswa change nim nim int (8);
mysql> desc mahasiswa;
mysql> create table percobaan(nomor int(2));
mysql> show tables;
mysql> drop table percobaan;
mysql> show table;
mysql> insert into mahasiswa values (13593032,’Mardian Hardipto’,’Haiteu
mysql> insert into mahasiswa(nim,nama,alamat) values (13593029,’Agus
mysql> select*from mahasiswa;
mysql> select nim, nama from mahasiswa;
mysql> select nama from mahasiswa where nim = 13293029;
mysql> select * from mahasiswa where nama like ‘%Mardi%’;
mysql> select * from mahasiswa;
mysql> update mahasiswa set telepon=’2503645’where nim=13593029;
mysql> select*from mahasiswa;
mysql> delete from mahasiswa where nama=’Mardian Hardipto’;
mysql> select*from mahasiswa;
mysql> grant insert,select on data.*to suto@localhost identified by ‘berbahaya’;
mysql> exit;
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